Sheep Dog Challenge Coin
Sheep Dog Challenge Coin
Show your appreciation for the men and women in law enforcement with this Sheep Dog Challenge coin. Its unique design and high-quality materials make it a perfect addition to any collection.
2" Challenge Coin. Don't be caught without one!!!
Exchanges & Returns
Exchanges & Returns
Exchanges and Returns are valid for a full 30 days from the date of your purchase.
In order to be eligible for a full refund or exchange, items must be unused and in the condition in which you received them.
Once return or exchange has been received your order will be inspected to insure that item or items conform to above listed requirements. You will be notified via email on the status of your return/exchange.
Shipping: Shipping charges are non-refundable. You will be responsible for paying the shipping charges back to us for your return/exchange.
It is suggested that any return shipments are shipped via traceable shipping methods as we will not be responsible for lost packages. Orders over $50.00 are recommended (not required) to be insured.